On October 24th at 7pm EST/4pm PST, Luminary Gaming faces off against the FAT BOIS of FAUSTIAN in a team battle, hosted by Big Papa Chunk! The teams will be fielding competitors in a series of Bo3s until only one side is left standing. For this East vs PNW battle, we will be utilizing a Parsec server in TX (generously provided by SCVI champion and Mexico’s best export since Mezcal, Loloroco) for the most even online stage of history possible.
Be sure to check out this exhibition between the two largest SCVI team rosters, with commentary featuring Zubaz and Signia!
LMNY registered roster: Nelly, Spectrechild, Leetwheats, DukeTremont, RontheTryhard, LeanXTriforcer, SlyTiger, Crywolv, Noxdeanactis (Ace), SultonTJK (Captain)
FAT registered roster: Mathlete 3.1415, Muscle Beluga, Ebonic Plague, Pasta, Dillmuncher, Arc Graves, Arin Stone, Two Swords, RipCityOutlaw, (Ace) Florida Man (Captain)
[Twitch Stream]